Press Release
December 19, 2016
National AutoBody Research Launches VRS Labor Rate Survey in Oklahoma, Sponsored by Shawnee Paint
Tucson, Arizona – December 19, 2016 – Today, National AutoBody Research (NABR) announces the launch of the Oklahoma VRS Labor Rate Survey, sponsored by Shawnee Paint.
The VRS Labor Rate Survey provides collision repairers with an independent, third party, trusted survey of labor rate data for the state of Oklahoma. The VRS reports the true, market-based labor rate ranges throughout the area, based on shops’ posted labor prices, not on an artificially defined single prevailing rate for all shops.
“When I saw the Variable Rate System with my own eyes, I was impressed and quickly jumped on board,” said Rick Stiles, President of Shawnee Paint, “as I was already very concerned about labor rates in this industry.” Mr. Stiles continued, “The VRS survey is an honest survey with a solid methodology and transparent data that everyone can see. I am passionate about the collision repair industry, and I want to see my customers and all body shops succeed. This survey and the VRS system represent a real solution and a tremendous opportunity for Oklahoma shops and the industry. I hope all collision repairers get on board and support this effort.”
“We are thrilled to bring the Variable Rate System and the VRS Labor Rate Survey to Oklahoma,” said Sam Valenzuela, President of NABR. “Now, these shops can have the market data and online tools they need to help get paid what they are worth and get paid for more of the work they do.”
To the see innovative Variable Rate System for themselves, any collision repair owner or general manager may request a free, no-obligation demo of the VRS, to see firsthand how the system can help them charge and collect sufficiently profitable labor rates and get paid for more not-included procedures.
Oklahoma becomes the 17th state to launch the VRS Labor Rate Survey, joining other states currently running the VRS Survey including Arkansas, Arizona, California, Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, New Jersey, New Mexico, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Texas, and Utah.
About Shawnee Paint
Based in Shawnee, Oklahoma, Shawnee Paint is a leading supplier of automotive and industrial coatings, tools and equipment, and materials and supplies to the Oklahoma market. Family owned and operated for over a century, they serve automotive collision repair and service centers, providing a high level of personal support and service. Visit for more information.
About National AutoBody Research (NABR)
NABR is an independent research, technology, and strategic business consulting company serving the automotive collision repair industry, committed to restoring the free market for labor rate pricing, and to leveling the playing field for payment of not-included procedures, all for the ultimate care and safety of the consumer.
Through its innovative and proven Variable Rate System (VRS) technology, NABR provides collision repair shops the market data and online tools they need to understand the competitive labor rates in their market, to determine and collect appropriate and profitable labor rates for their individual shop, and to see not-included procedures paid across the country, all to enable shops to get paid what they are worth and get paid for the work they do.
Insurers can utilize the VRS to help differentiate among shops and justify variable rate payments to different repairers, while manufacturers can understand market labor rates for repairing their vehicles by brand certified collision centers.
With labor rates from shops nationwide, NABR built the industry's first and only independent, third party, and objective source of national labor rate data, making the VRS the new collision repair industry standard for market based labor rates.
The system now includes the VRS Procedures Document Library, the industry’s first and only online searchable document data library, showing records of insurers paying shops for not-included procedures, and enabling more shops to be paid for the work they do.
More Press Releases
National AutoBody Research Launches VRS Labor Rate Survey in Oklahoma, Sponsored by Shawnee Paint
Tucson, Arizona – December 19, 2016 – Today, National AutoBody Research (NABR) announces the launch of the Oklahoma VRS Labor Rate Survey, sponsored by Shawnee Paint.
The VRS Labor Rate Survey provides collision repairers with an independent, third party, trusted survey of labor rate data for the state of Oklahoma. The VRS reports the true, market-based labor rate ranges throughout the area, based on shops’ posted labor prices, not on an artificially defined single prevailing rate for all shops.
“When I saw the Variable Rate System with my own eyes, I was impressed and quickly jumped on board,” said Rick Stiles, President of Shawnee Paint, “as I was already very concerned about labor rates in this industry.” Mr. Stiles continued, “The VRS survey is an honest survey with a solid methodology and transparent data that everyone can see. I am passionate about the collision repair industry, and I want to see my customers and all body shops succeed. This survey and the VRS system represent a real solution and a tremendous opportunity for Oklahoma shops and the industry. I hope all collision repairers get on board and support this effort.”
“We are thrilled to bring the Variable Rate System and the VRS Labor Rate Survey to Oklahoma,” said Sam Valenzuela, President of NABR. “Now, these shops can have the market data and online tools they need to help get paid what they are worth and get paid for more of the work they do.”
To the see innovative Variable Rate System for themselves, any collision repair owner or general manager may request a free, no-obligation demo of the VRS, to see firsthand how the system can help them charge and collect sufficiently profitable labor rates and get paid for more not-included procedures.
Oklahoma becomes the 17th state to launch the VRS Labor Rate Survey, joining other states currently running the VRS Survey including Arkansas, Arizona, California, Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, New Jersey, New Mexico, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Texas, and Utah.
About Shawnee Paint
Based in Shawnee, Oklahoma, Shawnee Paint is a leading supplier of automotive and industrial coatings, tools and equipment, and materials and supplies to the Oklahoma market. Family owned and operated for over a century, they serve automotive collision repair and service centers, providing a high level of personal support and service. Visit for more information.
About National AutoBody Research (NABR)
NABR is an independent research, technology, and strategic business consulting company serving the automotive collision repair industry, committed to restoring the free market for labor rate pricing, and to leveling the playing field for payment of not-included procedures, all for the ultimate care and safety of the consumer.
Through its innovative and proven Variable Rate System (VRS) technology, NABR provides collision repair shops the market data and online tools they need to understand the competitive labor rates in their market, to determine and collect appropriate and profitable labor rates for their individual shop, and to see not-included procedures paid across the country, all to enable shops to get paid what they are worth and get paid for the work they do.
Insurers can utilize the VRS to help differentiate among shops and justify variable rate payments to different repairers, while manufacturers can understand market labor rates for repairing their vehicles by brand certified collision centers.
With labor rates from shops nationwide, NABR built the industry's first and only independent, third party, and objective source of national labor rate data, making the VRS the new collision repair industry standard for market based labor rates.
The system now includes the VRS Procedures Document Library, the industry’s first and only online searchable document data library, showing records of insurers paying shops for not-included procedures, and enabling more shops to be paid for the work they do.
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